Applied Medical Research: From Conceptualization to Imp

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The course includes an intensive educational component that covers the necessary basics of medical research.

19 Video
Course Trainer

Najim Alshahrani


Applied Medical Research Course


Perfectly launch your medical research career with us!

This course provides a solid foundation in medical research principles through an intensive educational component. You'll gain the knowledge and skills to conduct your own research and publish in prestigious journals.

Key benefits:

Master the fundamentals of medical research.
Gain practical experience through real-world applications.
Produce publishable research aligned with Saudi Commission for Health Specialties guidelines.


This course is ideal for:
Aspiring medical researchers.
Healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their research skills.
Individuals interested in contributing to advancements in health.




Course details:

Part one: Foundations of medical research

Lecture 1: Navigating the maze of scientific research
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
•  Identifying viable research problems.
•  Brainstorming effective research ideas.
•  Conducting efficient literature searches.
•  Applying the PICO and FINER criteria to scrutinize research ideas


Lecture 2: Mastering PubMed literature searches
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
• Identify relevant keywords for your research topic in PubMed.
• Learn using Boolean operators (AND, OR and NOT) to effectively search PubMed.
• Apply MeSH terms to refine your PubMed searches and find more.
• Summarize key findings from a research article identified through a PubMed search.
Tutorial 1: Putting research ideas to the test – A hands-on approach to scrutinizing research questions using PICO and FINER Criteria


Lecture 3: The blueprint of research - study designs
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
•  Identifying different types of research designs.
•  Understanding the application and limitations of each design.
•  Evaluating research papers based on their study design.
Tutorial 2: Detective work in scientific literature – analyzing real-world research papers to identify their study designs


Lecture 4: How to read a scientific paper
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
•  Identify the key components of a research paper.
•  Developing skills of critical approach to reading research papers.
•  Developing skills to evaluate the quality and relevance of research papers.


Lecture 5: Decoding ethical codes in clinical research
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
•  Understanding the importance of ethics in research.
•  Understanding the ethical principles in research.
•  Identify the meaning and roles of IRB ethical committees.
Tutorial 3: The Art of Critical Reading – Reading and summarizing selected scientific papers


Part two: Empirical journeys: Data collection and analysis

Lecture 1: The tools of the trade - data collection techniques
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
• Understanding various data collection methods.
• Designing effective surveys.
• Distributing surveys to the right audience.
• Evaluating the quality of collected data.
Tutorial 1: Idea to implementation – identifying a research idea and formulating a comprehensive survey


Lecture 2: Numbers speak: statistical analysis in medical research
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
• Understanding the role of biostatistics in medical research.
• Identifying types of data and variables.
• Calculating measures of central tendency and dispersion.
• Creating visually appealing data distributions.
Tutorial 2: The SPSS workshop – an introductory session on SPSS, an essential tool for medical researchers


Lecture 3: Unveiling inferential statistics
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
• Understanding the role of inferential statistics in medical research.
• Applying tests of significance in data analysis.
• Interpreting P value in research outcomes.
Tutorial 3: Hands-on inferential statistics – learning to apply inferential statistics on SPSS


Part Three: The final frontier: publishing and distribution

Lecture 1: Crafting a compelling manuscript
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
• Understanding the structure of a research paper.
• Writing a clear and concise manuscript.
• Creating an engaging abstract that encapsulates the essence of your research.
Tutorial 1: Manuscript makeover – transforming your raw research findings into a polished manuscript.


Lecture 2: The art of proposal writing – your ticket to successful research funding
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
• Understanding the structure of a research proposal.
• Developing a compelling research question and objectives.
• Designing a clear and feasible methodology.
• Preparing a justified budget for the research proposal.
Tutorial 2: The proposal challenge – developing a mock research proposal from scratch, incorporating all elements learned in the lecture.


Lecture 3: The gateway to scholarly publishing
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
• Understanding the importance of publishing in scientific journals.
• Comprehending the peer-review process.
• Selecting suitable journals for manuscript submission.
Tutorial 3: The publishing workshop – analyzing the pros and cons of different journals and making informed decisions for your future research.


Enroll today and take the first step towards a rewarding career in medical research!

Course Content
Part one: Foundations of medical research
Lecture 1: Navigating the maze of scientific research
Lecture 2: Mastering PubMed literature searches
Lecture 3: The blueprint of research - study designs
Lecture 3: The blueprint of research - study designs (2)
Lecture 4: How to read a scientific paper
Lecture 5: Decoding ethical codes in clinical research
Tutorial 1: Putting research ideas to the test
Tutorial 2: Detective work in scientific literature
Tutorial 3: The Art of Critical Reading
Part two: Empirical journeys: data collection and analysis
Lecture 1: The tools of the trade - data collection techniques
Lecture 2: Numbers speak: statistical analysis in medical research
Lecture 3: Unveiling inferential statistics
Tutorial 1: Idea to implementation
Tutorial 2: SPSS workshop
Part Three: The final frontier: publishing and distribution
Lecture 1: Crafting a compelling manuscript
Lecture 2: The art of proposal writing – your ticket to successful research funding
Lecture 3: The Gateway to Scholarly Publishing
Tutorial 1: Manuscript makeover
Tutorial 2: The proposal challenge

Lecture 1 Navigating the Maze of Scientific Research_handout.pdf

pdf file 1.19 MB

Lecture 2 PubMed Literature Search - Handout.pdf

pdf file 4.11 MB

Lecture 3 The Blueprint of Research - Study Designs.pdf

pdf file 1.24 MB

Lecture 4 Decoding Scientific Papers.pdf

pdf file 1.47 MB

Lecture 5 Decoding Ethics in Clinical Research.pdf

pdf file 358.18 kB

Tutorial 1 week 1.pdf

pdf file 288.53 kB


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pdf file 274.28 kB

Lecture 1 The Tools of the Trade - Data Collection Techniques.pdf

pdf file 1.63 MB

Lecture 2 Numbers Speak Statistical Analysis in Medical Research.pdf

pdf file 1.04 MB

Lecture 3 Unveiling Inferential Statistics.pdf

pdf file 753.99 kB

Tutorial1 W2 .pdf

pdf file 363.53 kB

Lecture 3 The Blueprint of Research - Study Designs.pdf

pdf file 1.24 MB

Lecture 3 The Gateway to Scholarly Publishing.pdf

pdf file 3.20 MB

Lecture 1 Crafting a compelling manuscript.pdf

pdf file 1.73 MB

Lecture 2 The art of proposal writing – your ticket to successful research funding.pdf

pdf file 10.82 MB


pdf file 515.94 kB


pdf file 202.13 kB
Subscriber ratings and reviews
7 months ago

Deemah Abdullah

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